Electronic HP Care Pack Next Business Day Hardware Support with Accidental Damage Protection and Defective Media Retention
Utvidet serviceavtale - deler og arbeid - 4 år - på stedet - 9x5 - responstid: NBD - for HP Collaboration G6; Elite 600 G9, 800 G9, Slice G2; EliteDesk 80X G8; EliteOne 800 G8
- Extend your hardware warranty coverage for key systems and devices
- Obtain easy-to-buy, easy-to-use onsite services
- Improve hardware performance and uptime
- Increase the return on your HP and multivendor hardware investments
- Enjoy consistent service coverage across geographically dispersed sites
Med HP Care Pack får du rask og effektiv support som aktivt minsker nedetid, maksimerer ytelsen på ditt HP-utstyr og sparer deg for uforutsette reparasjonskostnader.
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